The basic summary of the book “Eclipse” by Stephenie Meyer is the third in the series “Twilight”. The setting of this book is in Forks, Washington. The course of time is about 6 months; give or take a few weeks. In this book Edward and Bella have finally reunited after an event that had happened in the previous book “New Moon”.  The first conflict happens when the Cullen’s think that Victoria; who is after Bella to get revenge on Edward (mate for mate); is in the area, so Edward takes her to Florida to visit her mother for the weekend. Bella gets mad at Edward for not telling her why he actually took her but after they talk about it Bella forgives Edward. The second major conflict happens when Bella finds that some of her personal belongings were missing. The Cullens scope out the house and could tell by the scent that it belonged to an unknown vampire. The Cullens soon realize that Victoria is planning a huge attack using highly untamed newborn vampires, some just weeks old, to annihilate the Cullen Coven. Bella’s close friend Jacob Black, who is a werewolf, gets his tribe involved in the struggle to save Bella and the Cullens. Edward does not like that after some previous events in New Moon Bella and Jacob are closer than ever. Even though Bella knows that Edward is the only one for her, Jacob tries to change her mind.  The climax and final major conflict happens during the ambush when Edward and Bella are waiting in a disclosed location in the forest for the battle in the meadow to finish, when trouble arrives. I would recommend this book to both boys and girls. Stephenie Meyer has is a great author. She uses comedy, romance, and even suspense in her writing; and when one of the characters is feeling something you do to. She uses great details and you can see the book happening in your head. Anyone who is in middle school or higher (even adults) would enjoy this book.