The book, “When It Happens”, by Susane Colasanti, is about a girl named Sara, who is very smart and shy, but a very hard worker; and a guy named Tobey, who is a rebellious slacker when it comes to school, but is a very nice and talented guy; who are in senior year at a High School in New Jersey. The book switches points of view every other chapter so you get to see some of the same events or things that happen in each characters mind.

The book starts off by telling you both Sara and Tobey’s senior year resolutions. Sara’s is to find true love, and Tobey’s is to make Sara fall in love with him. On the first day of school Sara gets asked out by one of the popular guys in the school, Dave. Dave is a rude, obnoxious and pretty full of himself kind of guy. Sara thinks that she is in love with him but all she can think about is Tobey. Sara soon finds out that Dave isn’t the person she thinks he was. She breaks up with him and goes out with Tobey.

Sara’s dream is to go to NYU, and Tobey doesn’t want to go to college. He wants to focus on his band, but with Sara’s help he pulls his C average to an A and gets him to apply to the Manhattan School of Music. The main conflict happens when Sara finds out a secret about Tobey and doesn’t like it. They get in a huge fight about it and Tobey doesn’t know what to do. You see how Sara feels about what has happened but then you see Tobey’s and you understand more about the situation.

I rated this book a nine because his book is great because it is not only written with lots of detail, but you get to see each person’s opinion of something that happened, but it goes by really fast in the end. I discovered this book from the media center, and thought it looked good so I read it. In the front of the book there is a section that says ‘’Other Books You May Enjoy’’ and some of the authors on the list were Sara Dessen and Grace Dent. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a love story. The theme of this book is that love always prevails, because even though they disagree sometimes, they always work it out.