Eclipse by Stephenie

Posted by Sydney Cullen on Monday, March 16, 2009

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Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer

Posted by Sydney on Monday, March 16, 2009 In : Romances 

The basic summary of the book “Eclipse” by Stephenie Meyer is the third in the series “Twilight”. The setting of this book is in Forks, Washington. The course of time is about 6 months; give or take a few weeks. In this book Edward and Bella have finally reunited after an event that had happened in the previous book “New Moon”.  The first conflict happens when the Cullen’s think that Victoria; who is after Bella to get revenge on Edward (mate for mate); is in the area, so Edward...

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When It Happens By Susane Colasanti

Posted by Sydney on Monday, March 16, 2009 In : Romances 

The book, “When It Happens”, by Susane Colasanti, is about a girl named Sara, who is very smart and shy, but a very hard worker; and a guy named Tobey, who is a rebellious slacker when it comes to school, but is a very nice and talented guy; who are in senior year at a High School in New Jersey. The book switches points of view every other chapter so you get to see some of the same events or things that happen in each characters mind.

The book starts off by telling you both Sara and Tobe...

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